Thursday, September 9, 2010

My roots

Naturally, I will start from the beginning. 
In this post I will track down my past relatives in order to come up with relatives in the present. The first way I can think to do this is to compile some of my last names which I organized by making this chart.

Any other suggestions to help me in the pursuit of my goal are very much welcomed.


  1. Hey, This is a very interesting topic. I would be interested to see how this turns out. My dad has 7 brothers and sisters and doesn't know much about his ancestors so I've always been curious about family trees. I think the best way would be to contact the family members as far back as you can to see how much they remember. This will be cool to show your kids in the future and to have a written document of it all. Best of Luck (:

  2. I think this is a really good way to figure out your family's roots. I also don't know much about where my family comes from and this blog has inspired me to find out more about my family's history.

  3. Im trying to read your blog but the font's really hard to decipher, mine changing it? :)
