Tuesday, January 4, 2011

At Dinner

This past week my family was fortunate enough to get together for the holydays. My favorite part. When we clustered around the dining table and ate. Everyone shared interesting anecdotes that I attentively listened to. I will retell my favorite one next, it is short.
The woman she is in the hospital, her kid has swallowed a screw. After an entire day in the hospital everything turns out OK, the child gets rid of the screw fine.
The next the woman ends up at the hospital again. Her kid had swallowed a pin. The woman sits in the waiting room this time she’s distressed. At this time a nurse sits next to her and offers some comforting words. “Don’t worry, yesterday a boy came who has swallowed a screw and he turned out perfectly fine” She simply responds “I know, it’s the same kid”

1 comment:

  1. WOW! That story made a laugh. its nice to have family conversations during dinner, not the usual "How was your day?". Stories like that will passed down and will spread.
